Putting a Toe Back in the Writing Pond

I’ve been thinking lately about doing some writing. I hate to admit it, but it’s been several years now since I have written anything. I do a lot of reading and writing at work and have to keep my brain really engaged all day, so I’ve found that either my brain is tired at the end of the day and I don’t feel like writing, or I’m afraid that if I get involved in a storyline, it will occupy my brain while I’m at work and need to be applying it to complicated legal matters. (Because when I’m in writing mode, the story is all I ever think about.)

But it’s been 3 months since my husband passed away and I think I’m starting to enter a depression phase. I’m not depressed to the point I can’t get out of bed and go to work—in fact, I prefer to go to work than stay home because I want some social interaction—but I do find myself completely unmotivated to do anything outside what’s necessary for basic survival. So yes to bathing and eating and going to work, but no to cleaning and cooking and gardening. And my house seriously needs some cleaning. Before my trip to Gulf Wars a few weeks ago, my dog found the paper towels I had laid out to pack and she tore them up.

Four rolls of them.

So, yeah, you can imagine what the state of my floors is like. I didn’t have time to clean up the mess while I was in the middle of packing, but I haven’t motivated to clean it up since, either.

I’ve been watching some new anime on Netflix the past few weeks, and whether it’s while reading a book or watching anime, I like getting immersed in another world. And right now, I really feel the need to be in another world for a while.

J. K. Rowling is someone who has obviously experienced the death of someone close to her, because she always describes it so well when Harry experiences a loss. After the death of Sirius, Harry doesn’t know what to do with himself; he doesn’t want to be alone, but neither does he want to be with his friends. It’s Luna he ends up making a connection with when he finds out that she too witnessed the death of someone she loved. Later, during the battle for Hogwarts, Harry goes into the Pensieve because he wanted to be somewhere else—anywhere else—but in his own mind and his own reality.

That’s kind of what I’m feeling now.

So I’ve been thinking about doing some writing. Yeah, I can read a book or watch more anime, but those never last very long—or, at least, long enough. Then I’m left with that disjointed feeling of being back in the real world and sad that the world that I was in is gone, and then I have to try and find something else that will give me another world.

Writing, by the fact that it takes longer to do than reading or watching something, and the fact that I can make something go on for as long as I want, is a world I can get into for longer. So I think I’m going to write something new.

Now, I know some people are going to ask why start something new instead of finishing something I’ve already started? Well, everything I’ve started has a sequel lying in pieces like a stolen car in a chop shop. The idea of going through the editing process to put all of the pieces back together and polish them up and proofread and get ready for publication . . . that’s more than I can handle at the moment. I want to write for fun, but editing is work. Hence why I’m seeking something new. I just want something to take my mind off things for a while. And then, maybe once I feel like I’m back in the groove, I will feel like tackling editing one of my sequels (and also maybe picking up all the paper towel fluff in the floor).

Making a (Adult) Playhouse – Part 1

I’ve been watching videos for some time on people camping in non-traditional tents and building everything from simple overnight survival shelters to semi-permanent shelters (or even entire compounds) for weekend camping.

Having done medieval reenacting for 16 years now, I am well acquainted with living in a tent without electricity, running water, etc. (although never as completely off-the-grid as the people in the videos). Provided the weather’s not too God-awful, it’s even fun.

But I keep looking at people building survival shelters and I think to myself, “That looks like fun.” I don’t know about you, but when I was a kid, I was constantly building houses for myself from grass clippings (more of a floor plan than a house, really) or making them under trees or bushes.

I have also hit a crossroads in that I want to continue to do reenacting (at least I think I do), but not in the SCA. Watching shows like Tudor Monastery Farm make me Jones for a place to do really immersive reenacting, but there aren’t any medieval living history museums like that anywhere near me.

So I’ve been thinking about combining those two things and making myself some sort of medievalish shelter that I could camp in on the weekends–maybe even invite some friends over to also camp and/or build their own house.

Building even one semi-permanent structure, however, is no small task. And I admit I haven’t decided how I want to make it yet. I’ve thought about everything from a lazy man’s log cabin (simple and relatively fast to build, but not terribly medieval unless you’re in early-period Scandinavia) . . .

to a wattle and daub structure (very period) . . .

to a pallet shed that I could cover in daub (would look the same as a proper one, but much less time-consuming to make; probably would last longer, too).

But, before I can build anything, I have to have a place to build. I have woods surrounding my house. On one side, they are either quite open (which means you can see the house and garage easily when you are in them), or they’re a tangled mess of undergrowth, meaning a lot of work to prep them. On the other side, however, once you get through the undergrowth that grows on the transition line between the yard and the woods, the woods are generally cleaner and easier to get through–i.e. less to have to clean up to make usable spots.

I had one spot picked out as a likely place to put a small shelter; it was near the house, but the woods were thick enough that you could barely see the house in the wintertime and not at all in the summer. Then, the other day, I took a walk down the property line almost all the way to the creek at the other end and I found a different location that had interesting trees and a bit more space (also, the ground was a bit more level). A deer trail from there popped me out just above the lower pond. You can partially see the neighbor’s house from the new location, but won’t be able to see it once the trees leaf out.

Soon mosquito season will be here, and if it continues to be wet like it has been all winter (and like it was the last two summers), I will not be able to do anything outside during the summer. I have flood zones in the yard that I affectionately call the “upper pond” and the “lower pond.” I am hoping to get them dug out and turned into proper ponds this summer so that I can control the mosquitoes, but right now, both areas are just a mosquito-breeding swamp. And those feckers are numerous and aggressive. You can coat yourself with Deep Woods Off! and you will still get accosted by two types of mosquitoes: the ones who say “You didn’t spray your eyeballs or inside your ears!” and the ones who land where you just sprayed and say, “Ooh, I like ’em spicy!” So, unless we have a dry summer that keeps my yard from becoming a mosquito-breeding haven, I can’t really work on this project until fall comes around and kills off the mosquitoes. At that point, I will have the fall and winter (weather permitting) to work on building my shelter-house.

In the meantime, though, I’ve decided that I can at least make a good trail to the camp site. Personally, I don’t like getting eat-up by briars all the time, and I need a clear path for bringing in building materials, too (which I will have to do regardless of what style I choose; not everything I need is right there in reach).

The weather here has been fairly pleasantly cool (highs in the 60’s) and sunny all week. We have had so much rain this winter that I feel starved for sunlight. (I know now why Seattle has such a high suicide rate; the constant rain and gloom is beyond miserable.) So yesterday evening, after I got home from work, I walked down to the spot where I had come out of the woods on my previous trip and I started to clear a path in.

This is where I started.

I feel like I made good progress in the 45-60 minutes I worked on it before I started to lose the light (and get hungry).

If you are wondering what that white thing is, it’s a water spigot. There are random water spigots all over the property, probably from back when it was a day lily farm. This one is in an advanced state of deterioration; I think I could just break it off with my bare hands. I am unsure where the water main to these is located, but all of them seem to be cut off at the source. Still, I’m leery of messing with them.

I had three main things I had to contend with: briars (both blackberry and cat/saw briars), honeysuckle vines, and privet. When I was cutting out the edge, where the undergrowth meets the yard, I had a lot of material, but no good place to put it because everything around me was just a tangled mess. So I took advantage of some privet trees that I was leaving in place and I made myself a little living hedge fence.

I feel like that gives it a bit of a medieval feel. Come right this way; a medieval experience awaits you down this wooded lane.

Habits Versus Projects

Between working on my year of leveling up and reading up on habits, I have developed a theory:

There are two ways that anyone can accomplish something: by habit or by project.


Based on BJ Fogg’s theory (which I have personally found to be correct), if you want to make something a habit, it needs to be tiny (e.g. take five minutes or less to do) and needs to be paired with an already-existing habit.

An example is wanting to eat more fruit. All you have to do is buy some fresh fruit or fruit cups and then leave yourself a note on the fridge reminding you to eat it with your breakfast (the already established habit).

Supposedly, you can work on establishing up to 3 of these habits at a time, but individual mileage may vary.

The “21 days to a new habit” mantra is bunk. In Making Habits, Breaking Habits, the author cites an actual study that found that simple habits, like eating more fruit or drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning might take less than 21 days to establish, but more ambitious habits, like exercising 30 minutes a day, could take upwards of a year to establish.

A five minute habit tied to an existing habit is on the very low end of the scale, meaning it would probably take less than 21 days to establish, but since people find it easier to think in chunks of time (and since some people will take longer than average), a good rule of thumb is that you can establish a 5 minute habit in a month.

Once you’ve established your habit (or your three habits), you can take up 1-3 more the next month. And 1-3 more the month after that. If you find yourself forgetting your habit when you remove your reminders or work on building new habits, it’s not automatic yet and you need to give yourself another month.

Something may occasionally break your habits—a prolonged illness or job loss may completely change your daily routine and take away the habits that acted as triggers for your other habits—but you can reestablish them in a month if you just pair them with a current habit.

In other words, habits can be built up, one on top of another. That’s because a habit doesn’t require much in the way of thought; it’s not something that requires you to make a choice. For instance, I take the same route to and from work every day. Most of the time I’m driving, I’m lost in my thoughts and I’m doing everything automatically with only a little bit of observation by my conscious brain. But if I have to take an alternate route home to avoid traffic, then my all of my attention stays focused on where I am and what I’m doing because I don’t take an alternate way home often enough to be comfortable with it. (This is also why it can be hard to remember to stop on the way home and pick up groceries or a prescription, etc. That part of your brain gets shut off when you’re operating on habit.)


In short, a project is something that takes longer than 5 minutes and/or can’t be paired with something that’s already an established habit.

I have also found projects have two sad realities: I (and probably you, too) can only do one project at a time, and secondly, they don’t stack. Meaning when you take up a new project, the old one will automatically stop.

No matter how many times I have tried to keep one project going while starting a new one, I invariably (and quickly) drop one.

This has nothing to do with time. I can plan out my schedule to the minute and have more than enough time to work on both projects. Maybe even a third!

But I end up doing only one. Why?

We understand physical fatigue, but almost no one really understands mental fatigue. You intuitively know it exists—after a stressful day at work, all you want to do is veg on the couch and then go to bed—but it’s not something we really think about or talk about.

But scientists are starting to quantify things like “decision fatigue.” Whereas we used to say some people have no willpower, we now recognize that everyone has a limited amount of mental energy and every time we have to make a decision, it saps a little bit of that energy. That’s why people tend to blow their diets a few hours after dinner; they have spent up all of their mental energy and their ability to make decisions for the day, so the habit of having a late-night snack wins out over the decision to not eat.

When you start a project, it demands your focus because everything you are doing is new and unexpected. It’s like taking a different route home. If you try to do more than one project at a time, you will not have enough mental energy to focus completely on both projects. So you will either naturally drop one or you will feel unhappy because you think you are not doing a good job with either—even if you are spending all of your allotted time on both. Spending time on something doesn’t equal doing a good job. For the later, you need the focus, which, like time, is something you only have a limited amount of.

So projects need to be something that has a finite life or a deadline. Your project may be to write a book. Put all of your mental energy into writing a book. When it’s done, then you can move on to something else. Or you may want to lose some weight before your wedding or class reunion; exercising more and eating less becomes your focus until the deadline.

But, wait, shouldn’t exercise and healthy eating be part of our lifestyle—something we do all the time?

Yes, but people seem to fail at making those changes permanent. I think that’s because health regimens are treated like projects instead of like habits. So, when the time comes that someone wants to do something other than count calories and go to the gym every day, then the entire thing falls apart relatively quickly. If you don’t have focus, you don’t have a project. You don’t even have a few parts of it; it all falls apart, like a house of cards. If your project is finite, then it’s okay if everything supporting it goes away when it’s done. If not, then your project, at best, will come to a standstill; at worst, any progress you’ve made will decay pretty quickly.

Enough Habits Can Make a Life Change

So what’s a person to do if they want to make a lifestyle change and lose weight (and keep it off), or read more, or play an instrument regularly, or become fluent in a foreign language, etc.? Those are all things that have no completion date because we want to keep them going, in some form or another, permanently.

Well, if they can’t be projects, then they have to be habits. That means adding them to your existing schedule at a rate of 1-3 per month and doing them for 5 minutes at a time. (It also means that if you do more than one habit, they can’t be the same thing; one can be food-related, one exercise-related, one learning-related, etc., but not all of them can be exercise-related or that causes project-think to creep in.)

I’ve been working on making Spanish lessons a 5 minute habit that I do at the beginning of my lunch hour. (I have a reminder set up on my computer to remind me to do it.) In 5 minutes, I’m able to do a new lesson and refresh an old one, so I am both maintaining what I know and making forward progress every day.

I’ve also been taking the stairs every morning. I have to get to the 4th floor regardless of the method, and I already park near the back door so I have to walk past the stairs to get to either set of elevators. (I actually changed my parking habit several years ago so that I could make taking the stairs easier.) That makes it pretty easy to establish the habit of taking the stairs.

If I wanted to be even more serious about language-learning, I could do a lesson before/during breakfast and dinner, too, so that every time I eat, I automatically start learning Spanish. If I want to be more serious about exercising, I could just get in the habit of parking farther away, or walking a loop around the parking lot at lunch, or doing a set of stairs when I take my mid-morning and mid-afternoon breaks. If I wanted to eat better, then I might make adding a piece of fruit to my breakfast a habit. Or I might add a vegetable to dinner. Or replace my evening ice cream habit with something less sugary/fattening, such as switching to cookies, then switching the cookies to honey-roasted nuts or kettlecorn, then from that to something that’s not sweet at all, then hopefully I’ll drop the snacking all together (since I’m not naturally a snacker—just a sugar fiend).

(Note: When you want to get rid of a bad habit, it’s generally better to replace it with a less-bad habit, then replace that with something better, and so forth until you’ve changed your bad habit into a positive one. Going cold turkey and stopping all together is not often successful. That’s why people who give up smoking turn to chewing gum; instead of sticking a cigarette in their mouth, they stick gum in it and that keeps their mouth busy. People who make exercise stick don’t give up watching TV; they find a way to exercise while watching TV. Etc.)

The benefit of making things habits is that they do become a lifestyle change and they’re not easily lost, unlike when you stop working on a project. The drawback, though, is they don’t give you instant gratification. If it takes you 6 months to work up to getting 30 minutes of exercise daily, bringing your lunch daily (instead of eating fast food), and eating fruit and vegetables with every meal, then it’s probably going to be 6 months before you notice some weight coming off. But people want the instant gratification of losing a few pounds the first week and a pound or two every week thereafter. Or they want to be able to have a conversation with their Mexican waiter a week after doing a bunch of language lessons.

But the day will come when people stop focusing on those things and they will lose all the benefits that they so quickly accumulated. And the more rapidly they accumulated the benefits, the more quickly they tend to lose them. We all know that cramming for a test means putting information into your head very temporarily; once you have used it, it disappears. Rapid weight loss, language crash courses, etc. are just different forms of cramming.

Speaking of self-improvement projects . . .

Leveling Up Check-In

It’s been a about a month and a half since I started working on my year of leveling up. So, how’s it been going?

Well, so far, it’s led to the revelation that I can only have one project at a time. So I either need to turn things into habits or plan on them being finite in scope.

But that’s okay, since my plans more or less fell into one camp or the other; I just need to do a bit of tweaking in how I think about doing things and how I plan to do them.

Strength: My goal was to do one physical activity a day. This was easy to turn into a 5 minute habit. I’ve been taking the stairs at work in the morning. On the weekends, it can be more hit or miss. Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of yard work, including digging up and carrying rock, digging holes, shoveling gravel, making paths, etc. That will end soon, though, as the weather is getting too cold to allow me to work outside comfortably. But I will start doing more inside the house, so it should balance out.

Suffice to say, I’m content with taking the stairs 5 days a week and not worrying about the weekend, since that will take care of itself most of the time anyway.

Once the holidays are out of the way, I plan on adding to this.

Constitution (Endurance): My goal for this category was to spend time unpacking, decluttering, and cleaning for 1-2 hours a week. (And by “week,” I mean weekend.) That’s not been happening. I have been putting all of my physical and mental energy into working outside. It’s good that the outside is improving, but the inside needs work too. But with the weather turning colder, my outdoor days are drawing to a close, so I plan to focus on the inside of the house instead. At least in December. After that, we have our big March event to prepare for, which means a lot of sewing, packing, and making things. So the house is going to be on its own. When we get back, I’ll be back outside for the spring planting and other yard work. I’ll come back to the inside of the house around the end of May or June, when it gets too hot to work outside.

Long story short, this needs to be about unpacking and getting everything organized, not about cleaning, because unpacking and organizing is a project that has an end. The cleaning will have to be reduced to 5 minute habits here and there.

Dexterity: This was all about the garden. My goal was to plant one bed. I have the bed prepped, and my plants chosen, and a diagram drawn up of where I want them, how many I need, etc. All I need to do now is wait until spring (and hope the drought breaks).

I’ve actually enjoyed being outside so much, I’ve gotten ahead of the one-bed plan and I have started working on a second bed and general outdoor improvement project.

Intelligence: This has a finite goal: publish Flames of Prague. I have okayed the print proof, but I still haven’t finished the conversion to ebook yet. I need to suck it up and pencil this in as my project for one month. That’s all it will take to get it done and crossed off my list.

Wisdom: My goal here was to go to synagogue once a month and finish my prayer book. The prayer book is a project that will take a month or less. Going to synagogue is one of those rare things that is too infrequent to be a habit (unless you do it, say, the first weekend every month, but my schedule doesn’t allow for that kind of firm commitment), but it’s too short to be a habit. So I will just pencil it into my schedule like an appointment. I missed November, but plan on taking care of December this weekend. So we’ll see how this progresses over the course of the year. I may need to find a better approach.

Charisma: This is my daily Spanish practice. I’ve been slacking for over a month now. In September it was my project for the month, so it was all I thought about. When I got a new project (gardening), Spanish went into the tank—despite the fact that I only did it 5-10 minutes a day. Hence why it’s important to tie a habit to an existing routine.

I have set up reminders on my work computer to ping me at lunch, so I spend the first 5 minutes of my lunch hour doing my Spanish lesson.

I have also abandoned working with the Memrise flashcards for the time being. While they have benefits, I think part of the reason why I quit working on my lessons is that they’re more boring than Duolingo. I’ve decided that I’m just going to trust the process and go with Duolingo only.


My Plan for Leveling Up in 2017

As I mentioned last month, I prefer to think of getting older as “leveling up;” it just sounds better. Of course, you will level up every year regardless, but I think that you’ll feel better about it if you can look back and see that you’ve actually accomplished some things.

I’ve been putting some thought into what I want to accomplish, since I just leveled up myself. Here are my goals between now and next October:

Strength: I’m way out of shape. I’m also finding myself stiff after long car rides (even after just a 45 minute commute) and first thing in the morning. Let’s face it; that’s only going to get worse as I get older. I need to at least pay some lip service to exercise (especially as I’m one of those odd people who loses weight with even small amounts of exercise but gives it up very grudgingly–or not at all–with diet). My goal is to do one physical activity per day–be that taking the stairs at work, gardening on the weekends, cleaning house, etc.

Constitution (Endurance): What requires more endurance than unpacking, organizing, and cleaning? We moved into our house in January and we still have some things in boxes, and have only put up about half of our pictures and none of our curtains. (You can tell someone lives out in the boonies if they don’t put up curtains first thing.) My husband does a lot of the basic housekeeping, but I’m the organizer and decorator and the doer of the hard-to-reach stuff. So my goal is to spend 1-2 hours every week working on improving the house and garage. This means getting everything unpacked and put where it needs to go, getting the necessary furniture installed, decorating, and general organization. Once a room is established, then my main goal will be to tidy it up and give it a general cleaning.

Ideally, I will spend two hours in two zones each week; in a 5-weekend month, I would get the entire house done, so every room would get a tidy every month. In reality, I’ve already been working on this and it winds up being more like 1 hour a week (and that doesn’t count weekends when we go to reenactments). But I’ve gotten some boxes unpacked and two rooms are now completely box-free and the living room nearly is. So I won’t knock progress, even if it’s slow.

Dexterity: My husband and I had our first garden this summer (something we’ve been trying to get going for years!). Some parts of it were a bit sad (the eggplant that never did anything; the various plants the dog tore out–sometimes multiple times), but some weren’t bad (the cucumbers that took over our porch and our small harvest of tomatoes when no one else was getting any). What was most important is that we learned.

I’ve recently been studying up on permaculture (aka food forests, edible landscaping, plant guilds, edible forests, and probably half a dozen other names). I’ve already spent a lot of time this summer studying edible wild plants and identifying them in our yard, and permaculture sort of piggybacks on that.

Long story short, I want to start landscaping our yard with edible perennial (or self-seeding annual) plants. My goal for this year is to establish at least one “food island” (as I term it) in the yard. We will almost certainly have another straw bale garden for traditional annual vegetables, but I want to work towards a permanent installation that requires little maintenance on my part.

Intelligence: I’m going to publish Flames of Prague. (I actually received my proof a couple of weeks ago and the print book is good to go; I just need to do all the formatting for the ebook.)

Wisdom: A few years ago, I started to make myself a prayer book for use on my Kindle so that I could carry it with me and get in the habit of using it throughout the day. It’s still hanging out in my Dropbox, mostly completed. My goal is to finish it this year and get it on my Kindle. I also want to get in the habit of going to synagogue once a month. I used to go weekly, but I’ve just gotten lazy (and I let other things compete for my time). Once a month doesn’t seem like too much to ask.

Charisma: I’ve been sick for the past couple of weeks, so I’ve let my daily Spanish study slip, but I’m going to get get back on that today. My goal for the year is to get all the way through the Duolingo Spanish tree.

So, there you have it: my leveling up goals for my 37th year. Some I need to work on daily, some weekly, some monthly, and some are a one-time project that I can do and be done. So a good mix of things to keep me busy, but hopefully not overwhelmed.

Even if your birthday isn’t any time soon, you can still take the leveling up challenge starting next year (and if you want to get a head-start, I won’t tell anyone!). Be thinking about what things you want to accomplish in 2017 and greet your next birthday knowing that you may be a year older, but you’re also a year wiser, stronger, and more well-rounded. Level Up!

Sustaining Productivity

I have mentioned on here before that Scott H. Young is one of those go-getter, bootstrapping entrepreneurs that I admire (and wish to emulate).

He’s always challenging himself (and, unlike me, seems to complete his goals more often) and makes it look easy. But he had this to say recently in one of his newsletters:

Q: How do you sustain your productivity for weeks or months at a time?
 We’ve all experienced it–you’ll get motivated, finish tons of work and then a week or two later, you’re back to feeling lazy again. What gives?
I struggled with this problem for a long time. I would have surges of motivation, followed by long crashes where I didn’t get much done. After each, I wasn’t sure what had gone wrong.
Now I realize that productivity is best seen like the ebb and flow of a tide. Surges of motivation followed by slower periods. You can extend the surges for a bit, but there always comes an ebb at the end. The secret is to not fight the cycles, but to ride them out.
As a result, I’ll try to switch gears every 4-6 weeks. For a burst, I’ll be intensely work focused, getting as much done as possible and pushing ahead aggressively. During the MIT Challenge, I sustained this for the first three months, working around 60 hours per week.
However, I also balance that by allowing myself to settle into a routine for a period of time and let the habits I’ve built work on autopilot. During the months following, I worked less (more like 40 hours) but I got almost the same amount done and had almost no stress. I didn’t try to force myself to work harder, but I let the down tempo last for a few weeks before I started up again.
Anticipating and riding these rhythms isn’t easy, and I haven’t mastered it myself. But I’ve found it’s a more sensible strategy than trying to be 100% on at all times (or to pretend that you can keep everything in perfect equilibrium).
Make your learning routine a habit.
That means set aside a certain amount of time, every day, at the same time each day, for your learning goal. Even if it’s only twenty minutes in the morning.
If there’s any activity you want to sustain, but tends to get neglected, this strategy works well. Be extremely consistent when setting it up for the first month and then it will just become part of your life. Your time and energy will adjust to the new routine after a few weeks until you don’t notice any difference.
The other strategy–to use willpower perpetually to motivate your learning–is exhausting and ultimately self-defeating. Without setting your learning as a habit, it will always be drowned out by noisier and more urgent occupations.
Banging out a story during NaNo is thrilling (if hectic), but when November is over, do you keep working on what you’ve done, or do you go back to life and the routines you interrupted for a month, leaving your fledgling story to wallow in neglect in some file?
I think Scott is right that the key is to keep at it (whatever “it” is–in our case, writing) after the initial thrill is gone, albeit it at a greatly reduced rate. That might mean writing for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week post-NaNo, rather than writing for a couple of hours 7 days a week, as you might do in November. That way, you’re always making forward progress, and when you have more time or more motivation, you can put on an extra burst of effort. Professional writers all seem to agree that you need to write every day, even if you aren’t inspired. (In my novella, The Widow, the male lead is a painter, and he adheres to this idea: when he is not feeling inspired to paint , can’t come up with a new idea, etc., he paints Bob Ross landscapes until he gets out of his funk.)
Now that I’m starting to settle into my new job and apartment, I’m looking to establish a routine that will help me get my miscellaneous stuff done: sewing projects, procrastiantion projects, proofreading The Flames of Prague, plus some time to write new things and more Bloodsuckers. I’m thinking I might devote one hour per evening (more if I want to) to getting these things done.
  • Monday: Sewing (I also have medieval meetings two Mondays per week, and I can do hand-sewing while I’m at the meeting, thus multi-tasking.)
  • Tuesday: Proofing The Flames of Prague
  • Wednesday: Anti-Procrastination Day (this is for finishing up all the things that have been languishing forever–like my illumination, drafting my Last Will and Testament, various jewelry and craft projects, blog post series that I haven’t had time to finish (yes, I’m talking about you Medieval Monday), etc.)
  • Thursday: Write The Bloodsuckers
  • Friday: Date night w/ hubby
  • Saturday: Synagogue and/or packing
  • Sunday: Packing, cleaning, and/or moving; drive back to Chattanooga
That’s the plan, anyways. As my husband says, “no plan survives first contact with the enemy,” so I’ll check back in in a month or so to let you know how my various projects are going.
Do you have something you want/need to accomplish? What’s your game plan for making it a routine/habit?

Playing Catch Up

It’s been a crazy few weeks. First, there was the no good, rotten, awful week in which both cars broke down on me and I got sick. Then, after my proof copy was rejected by CreateSpace for having ONE page number off (I was about to cry; I just wanted a copy for my beta readers to read; I still have a lot more changes to make to the text), I had to spend about an hour trying to find that ONE skipped page number and I had to wrestle with MS Word to get it to renumber that section correctly.

Lesson learned: never put unnumbered pages in your book unless someone else is doing the formatting.

But, anyways, we got both of the cars fixed… sort of (you have to jiggle the key in the ignition of my car before it will turn, and now it’s having some sort of electrical problem with the door locks), and I’m no longer sick, and I managed to get a proof copy of my book from CreateSpace (once they approved it, I ordered a copy Monday afternoon and had it in the mailbox Thursday!).

I also used the past week to do some housecleaning. While I still desperately need to mop and vacuum, I did get a lot of junk picked up, so it looks better. I’ve also been trying to exercise daily. So, a lot of stuff to keep me busy and away from the computer.

I have come to the conclusion that I have way too many uncompleted projects lying around, so I’m going to start making a concerted effort to finish things up. I’m a creative type, so there will always be something unfinished (having nothing to work on is like having read every book on my bookcase: a scary prospect, as if it will spell the end of mankind; time and life only continues because I have at least one more thing to read and one more project to finish), but the number of uncompleted projects in my life definitely needs to be smaller.

The FlyLady has “Anti-Procrastination Wednesdays;” it’s the day she sets aside for doing all those little things you’ve been putting off: returning books to the library, changing the light bulb on the front porch, making appointments, writing letters or thank you cards… that sort of thing.

Since my procrastination takes the form of large creative projects, I need Anti-Procrastination weeks.

Last week I worked on the mending and got everything but one thing done. This week, I need to sit down and finally finish an illumination I’ve been working on for months (then I can show it off!).

And, on a totally unrelated note, things are going to get mighty interesting on The Bloodsuckers, beginning this week, so if you’re behind, get caught up, and don’t miss this Thursday’s installment. It’s going to be a bombshell!



Reclaiming My Lost Hours

As regular readers of my blog may know, I’m always on a quest for personal improvement. Some experiments take well (I had a standing desk at work for about 2 years; unfortunately, I’ve found I don’t write fiction nearly as well standing, so I sit down at home); some work for a little while (various types of productivity lists); and some never come to fruition (there are still bags of dirt and potting buckets on my front porch). But, hey, we all fall short of the glory of God, right? And you never know what will or won’t work until you try.

So, in that vein (as opposed to in that vane or vain), I’m trying a new experiment: a schedule. I will admit that I have never been one to stick to a schedule unless I was compelled to by outside forces (i.e. school or work). Some people do really well if they have a lot of structure in their lives. I am not typically one of those people.

My mother made a schedule for me when I was a kid to keep me from lollygagging around (aka mucking about, for my British peeps)—you may be shocked to learn that I spend a lot of time daydreaming!—and said schedule crashed and burned spectacularly; I’m not even sure if I made it through an entire day on schedule, much less an entire week.

However, I have noticed lately that I have too little structure in my life. I think this is probably a common complaint among the unemployed, the retired, some self-employed people, and homemakers. When you’re working (or in school), most of your day has structure and routine—whether you like it or not. But when you find yourself without that external structure, you can quickly be set adrift.

I recently came to the realization that, despite the fact that I’m home every day, and could be spending at least 8 hours of every day doing something productive, I have been, in actuality, squandering the vast majority of my time.

So, for the past few days, I’ve been trying to keep myself to a schedule. Something I learned from making lists (and Scott H. Young) is to keep things simple; I don’t want to micromanage my time. Also, the more structured/complicated I make something, the quicker it falls apart when I hit a bump in the road. (And that’s not just me:  diets and exercise regimens that are too complicated/time-consuming are also hard to stick to.)

I asked myself: what do I want to accomplish? And I came up with the following things:

  1. Exercise (remember my long-ago resolution to get that started again?)
  2. Cleaning (I want this to be a daily habit, not something that I have to do in marathon sessions)
  3. Learn a language (I’ve been wanting to learn Hebrew, but given my current unemployment issue, I’ve decided that learning Spanish will be more beneficial at the moment)
  4. Work on my writing (which includes time for blogging, non-fiction work, and online interaction/research/marketing)

Add to this time to eat, sleep, and look for a job, and I have a full day.

So how does my day shake out at present?

8:00 – 8:30: Get up and get dressed.
8:30 – 9:00: Exercise
9:00 – 9:30: Send out resumes/ job hunt
9:30 – 10:00: Breakfast and personal internet time (e-mail, Facebook)
10:30 – 12:30: Clean and study Spanish (I actually alternate these two tasks, doing 15 minutes of one, then switching and doing 15 minutes of the other. That keeps the cleaning from becoming too tiring and the learning from being too boring.)
12:30 – 1:30: Lunch and personal internet time or play game or read
1:30 – 5:00: Writing (although I’m experimenting with breaking this down into one hour to blog, one hour to work on my non-fiction, then an hour and a half to work on my book(s); I want to get better about blogging, even if I’m on sucky dial-up, and I need to carve out some time for my non-fiction pursuits, because, ultimately, they help promote my name.)
5:00 – 7:00: Dinner (This either gives me time to fix it and eat it, or eat it and watch a movie, which my husband and I often do.)
7:00 – Midnight: Misc. (While this can include crafting, reading, watching a movie, etc., I really want to spend most of this time working on my fiction.)

More on how it’s been working out for me tomorrow.